Interactive GLSL - Lighting

-2018.3.5 4:30pmIntro to GLSL

In this section, we'll mostly talk about lighting! I'm not much of a math person and I'll do my best not to botch terms, but that means I'll be talking mostly about visual results rather than in equations! So those of you who are also not math people may enjoy this :)

If you haven't read part one, be sure to do that first! I'll be assuming you know a bit about shader syntax and what's going on.

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Interactive GLSL - Shader Introduction

-2018.2.26 7:00pmIntro to GLSL

Shaders are easily one of my favorite parts of game development! I could spend all day writing little shader programs that do various different effects, and I could probably spend just as much time staring at the results! Shaders are delightful. But some people seem to think they're ominous black boxes!

It's true that shaders are pretty opaque up front! What do all these extra words mean, why is the syntax so strange, where does the data come from, what on earth is going on here?? Diving in headfirst can be confusing.

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